Tone Road Ramblers Testimonials
“…..These gents are an amazing example of the difference between playing an instrument and making music. What masters! Their appliances are secondary to their expression and artistry! Beauty full.”
Jay Miglia
A Horse’s Mouth Testimonial
“The TONE ROAD RAMBLERS are great cats. When it’s appropriate, they put all kinds of stuff into the music that you couldn’t notate. Ensemble performance with a history, understanding, – you know it when that rare experience occurs even if you can’t put your finger on the proper word to describe it. Thrown was composed at their invitation. I was not able to take full advantage of their wide-ranging extended techniques or for that matter all of the instruments that they play. However, I had their sound in mind while writing it. Of course they all play in other ensembles that perform music by Erickson, Bach, Shorter, Stravinsky, Reynolds, Davis, Parker, Ibert — you name it. They also compose music for ensembles other than TRR. Sometimes they’re side-men, sometimes they’re in the lead. TRR is definitely in the lead. If there is such a thing as definitive performance of a piece of music, their performance of Thrown is such a thing. Hope you get a chance to meet and hear them.”
Salvatore Martirano
Professor of Composition
University of Illinois, Urbana, 1985
“The TRR’s are to my mind the highest example of the kind of musicians who truly protect our musical heritage. For over a decade their communal spirit, personal sacrifice, resistance of the temptation to satisfy music fashions, but respect for courageous experimentation are the qualities that keep music alive. They also play like angels. Just Listen!”
James Lewis
Professor of Composition
University of South Florida 1990
“…composing and playing music that pushes the outer envelope of the term ‘cutting edge.'”
Ragdale Foundation Newsletter – No 17, 1994
“The Tone Road Ramblers is a sort of music barnstorming team outside the organized league. Its members obey the rules of musical propriety as well as any when fulfilling the requirements of their individual ‘day gigs’ but when consummating the periodic obligation of being a Rambler on the road, they mostly rather choose to explore the terrain beyond the limits.”
Edwin London
Professor of Music
Cleveland State University, 1996
“The exciting give and take that the Tone Road Ramblers exhibit in their performances is a reflection of the hard work that goes on in rehearsals. You are a wonderful collection of musical personalities, and I’m proud to have been given a chance to work with you. The Ramblers’ residency was also of immense value to the composition students. Many of our composers who considered themselves ‘hip’ before the Ramblers arrived are re-thinking what that means!”
Dan Welcher
Lee Hage Jamail Regents Professor in Fine Arts
The University of Texas at Austin, 2003