Jazz Quintet

Jazz Quintet

JQ is a classic jazz quintet which presents concerts and other performances in a variety of venues, as well as educational workshops for elementary school through college.

Ray Sasaki

Morgan Powell 

Woody Woodward 

Dan Anderson 
string bass & tuba

Gary Peyton


Team Concept – Live At Nature’s Table – July 19, 1990 (Nature’s Table Archive Vol 4)

Jazz Quintet, Ray Sasaki Trumpet, Morgan Powell Trombone, Donne Heitler Piano, Larry Gray Bass, Ricardo Flores Drums, Tuesday, June 17, 5-7, Iron Post

Deep Roots - Jazz Quintet, Tuesday, June 11, 5-8, Iron Post

“Five musicians working together, blending their sounds their ideas, their personalities to create an ensemble as colorful, witty and unique as their own individual styles: that’s the essence of JQ. Whatever the raw material–a jazz classic by Miles Davis, a great American song by Gershwin or Kern, or a spontaneous group improvisation painted on the empty canvas of the air–JQ moves through the music as if each musician were playing from within the center of the group, trying (and succeeding) to do nothing more than make his own part fit into the whole. What a lovely way to play.”

Mark Stryker
Music Critic
Detroit Free Press

For more information regarding JQ, see the Illinois Arts Council Artstour 2003-2005 Program Guidelines Page 72.