Digitized collections by Morgan Powell, free to download and play.
There is a new (2017) set of recorded music compositions and improvisation from 1957 through 2014 by Morgan online titled Organic Roots. Music on these 5 CDs cannot be purchased as disks but can be heard at various online music sources (iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora, etc.).
“…Through the processes of composing, performing, and hearing this music the bar is raised to a new level of what constitutes ‘creative’ music.” — Jim McNeely, jazz pianist/composer “…Powell’s music sits at the intersection of the experimental jazz tradition and …
There is an element in Powell’s music, maybe it’s the jazz esthetic, that infuses a graceful linear clarity. As each piece is experienced, it seems to curve more often than it corners. The end result for this listener is that …
Some Reviews of the 2015 CD, ON AND OFF THE SCORE Read More »
Sounding Our Depths: The Music of Morgan Powell – by Ann Starr. Available for purchase on eBay or contact Morgan Powell.
Morgan Powell Music Manuscripts, 1958-2014 | The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Morgan Powell on the Creative Process: The Reality of Maborosi, Ann Starr, NewMusicBox, The Web Magazine from the American Music Center
Moving Away from the Center of Jazz: Thomas Wirtel, a.k.a. Thomas Shabda Noor, Ann Starr, NewMusicBox, The Web Magazine from the American Music Center
Interview with Morgan Powell – Snake Babies: A Conversation, by Ann Starr, Perfect Sound Forever online music magazine